The workshop will take place on 21-22 september 2023 in Alkmaar, the Netherlands.
The maximum number of participants for the upcoming edition of the Cardiac PET/CT workshop has been reached. You can use the form below if you wish to be placed on the reserve list. We will contact you in case one of our current participants decides to cancel the registration. The registration fee of the workshop is €850 as from August 1, 2021. This includes course material, coffee/tea, lunches on location and a joint dinner in the Alkmaar city centre if COVID-19 restrictions allow (a suitable alternative will be offered otherwise).
This workshop is accredited by
- Dutch Society of Cardiology (NVVC) – 12 points
- Dutch Society of Nuclear Medicine (NVNG) – 12 points
- Dutch Society of Medical Physics (NVKF) – 12 points
(the registration form will appear below after a few seconds)