Program 2023


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Thursday, September 21st 2023


08.30   Registration, Coffee




09.00   Opening

Prof. Jan Hein Cornel, MD PhD, Cardiologist


09.05  Cardiac PET procedure, reading & reporting

Remco J.J. Knol, MD PhD, Nuclear Medicine Physician


09.35  Role of Cardiovascular Imaging in Risk Assessement

           Saloua El Messaoudi, MD PhD, Cardiologist


09.50   Patient selection for cardiac PET. Diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value of cardiac PET 

Ibrahim Danad, MD, PhD, Cardiologist


10.15   Coffee break


10.40   Cardiac PET imaging. Myocardial blood flow and choice of cardiac PET tracers

Sergiy V. Lazarenko, PhD, Medical Physicist


11.10  Artificial intelligence in cardiac PET

            Luis E. Juárez-Orozco, MD PhD


11.30   PET in cardiac sarcoidosis and amyloidosis imaging

Prof. Riemer H.J.A. Slart, MD PhD, Nuclear Medicine Physician


11.50   Cardiac FDG PET (endocarditis)

            Asbjørn M. Scholtens, MD, Nuclear Medicine Physician



12.30   Lunch


Hands-on training


13.45   Cardiac NaF and FAPI PET

           Nieky Mohammadnia, MD, Research Fellow Cardiology


14.05 - 16.30  Processing of scans in Corridor 4DM, QPET, Syngo.MBF


  • Buttonology and image processing

  • Buttonology CaSc
  • Cases: Normal, ischemia, infarction

  • Cases: Myocardial blood flow measurements

  • Cases: Pitfalls


15.30   Stent Side Branch Occlusion

Friso M. van der Zant, MD PhD, Nuclear Medicine Physician


16.00 Coronary artery calcium scoring from low dose CT scans

          Sergiy V. Lazarenko, PhD, Medical Physicist


16.45  Clinical applications of AI in nuclear cardiology

          Prof. Piotr Slomka, PhD, Director of Innovation in Imaging, Cedars-Sinai (via Zoom)


17:15   Site visit department of Nuclear Medicine


18:30   Dinner in the Alkmaar city center


Friday, September 22nd 2023


08.30   Coffee




09.00  Physics and PET acquisitionKinetic modeling and quantitative PET in cardiology

Prof. Mark Lubberink, PhD, Medical Physicist, Uppsala University, Sweden


09.45   Correlation with other imaging techniques: CCTA, cardiac MR, CAG, FFR

Tjeerd Germans, MD PhD, Cardiologist


10.05   FFR, CFR and ischemia: all the same?

Tim van de Hoef, MD PhD, Cardiologist



10.30   Coffee break


10.55   Artifacts and limitations in cardiac PET

              Sergiy V. Lazarenko, PhD, Medical Physicist


11.30   Extracardiac findings

              Friso M. van der Zant, MD PhD, Nuclear Medicine Physician


11.45   F18-Flurpiridaz: Practical experiences 

            Marjolein Hol, MD, Nuclear Radiologist


12.00   Evolving Methods for PET Myocardial Flow Quantification

            Jennifer Renaud, MSc; Research Scientist, INVIA Medical Imaging Solutions


12.15 Cardiac PET: business insights from a value-based healthcare system

            Jérôme Harray, Product Manager IBA


12.30   Lunch


Hands-on training


13.45   Cardiac PET facilities and tracer production. Preparing a business case for cardiac PET/CT

            Klaas Pieter Koopmans, MD, PhD, Nuclear Medicine Physician


14.15 - 16.30 Processing of scans in Corridor 4DM, QPET, Syngo.MBF


  • Cases: Various
  • Cases: Pitfalls & Artifacts
  • Demo stations for cardiac PET processing


15.15 Data Driven Motion Correction for PET cardiac perfusion scans (part I)

          Samara Martinez Lucio, MD


16.10 Data Driven Motion Correction for PET cardiac perfusion scans (part II)

          Oscar Mendoza, MD 


16.30   Farewell drink

Program may be subject to change. In case of international attendees, the spoken language of the entire course will be English, otherwise Dutch. Click here for more information on registration, important dates and locations.